Dr Alis Denta Care
Beautiful Smiles are made here!
what is Tooth jewelry?
Teeth jewellery is a brilliant way to add sparkles to your smile and stand out of the crowd. Tooth jewellery is the latest thing in cosmetic dentistry – and it’s popular with people of all ages. Surprise your friends with a sparkling crystal glass design, or something in gold with a twinkle of ruby or diamond. These tiny little designs are great fun, and because there’s no drilling involved, they won’t harm your teeth.
These cosmetic procedures have to be accomplished by professionals with professional products. The dental jewellery Skyce does not need to be pre-treated and is bonded onto the tooth in the same way as an orthodontic bracket. This ensures that the health of teeth is maintained. A vibrant smile improves Face Value & is important for Personality Development. A beautiful smile leaves an everlasting impression &Latest Tooth Jewellery helps in Smile Improvement
Crystal glass stones by IVOCLAR VIVADENT

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