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Dr Alis Denta Care

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Stem Cell Banking

what is Stem cell banking?

What is Stem cell Banking? Or what are dental stem cells?

These stem cells are harvested from dental follicles from extracted wisdom teeth, or Primary (Milk) teeth. These follicles are typically found in periodontal ligaments, which connect the tooth to the gum tissue; dental pulp, the center of the tooth where nerves and living tissues are stored; or apical papilla found near the tooth root tip. Scientists believe dental stem cells may be able to regenerate cartilage, muscle, dental tissue, bone, and maybe neural tissue.

Who Does It Benefit?

The stem cells have the promise to benefit anyone. Worldwide research is exploring the potential of dental stem cells in treatments for Type 1 Diabetes, as well as other serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease. They have already been used to regenerate dental bone and treat periodontal disease, and are currently being studied by researchers to help treat conditions such as diabetes, spinal cord injury, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and spinal cord injury.

How is it done?

The process is simple. Dentists extract baby teeth naturally falling out, wisdom teeth being extracted or teeth being pulled to make room for braces. The dentists prepares the specimen, and sends to the stem cell banks, they collects the tooth for stem cell processing. The Stem cell from teeth is significantly less expensive than storing cord blood,you may contact the clinic for further details.

Why should you store your child’s dental stem cells?

  • Affordable – The initial cost to store dental stem cells is about one third to one half the cost of storing umbilical cord blood
  • Non-controversial – adult stem cells, not embryonic
  • Precious – public banks don’t exist for storing dental stem cells
  • Autologous – a perfect match since they’re your child’s own stem cells (so no risk of immunologic rejection)
  • Your child’s dental stem cells may also match closely related relatives (siblings, parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts)
  • Even if you don’t think Dental Stem Cell Banking is for you, chances are you know someone who has a sick child that this process could greatly benefit in the future. Spread the word

If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, please contact the clinic for further Details.

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