Dr Alis Denta Care
Beautiful Smiles are made here!
what is Facial Aesthetics?
Cosmetic Facial Treatments
At The Dental Clinic we understand that when it comes to considering cosmetic facial enhancement, the most difficult decision is taking the first step.
That’s why our staff are committed to providing you with all the information you need to help you choose the correct procedure. After all, it’s your body, your choice.
Botulinum Toxin (Dysport)
What is Dysport ® ?
- Natural purified protein.
- They relax wrinkle-causing muscles.
- They create a smoothed, rejuvenated appearance. Botulinum toxin (produced commercially as Dysport ®) is a purified form of a specific neuromuscular blocking agent. It acts by stopping the signal from the nerve to the muscle, thereby preventing the muscle from contracting.

Facial Aesthetics at Dr Ali’s Denta Care:
When used very carefully, this can minimize the appearance of furrows and wrinkles, particularly on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Dysport ® can also be used for other applications, for example sweating under the armpits or for certain neuro muscular disorders.
Over time and due to the effects of ageing, such as sun exposure, frowning, squinting and smiling, lines begin to form in different areas of your face.
Non-surgical treatments can be used on the face area to help create volume, resulting in a healthy appearance. When applied to the lip area it can restore a more natural and sensuous look.
Facial Fillers
- What are facial fillers?
- Can fill out and smooth away troublesome nose to mouth grooves.
- Reduce forehead lines, frown furrows, lipstick lines, acne pits and crow’s feet.
Can be used to enhance lips Dermal fillers are used to enhance your appearance by smoothing the lines and creases on precise areas of your face. Specific dermal fillers are used to target the areas you are unhappy with, such as nose to mouth lines and crow’s feet. They improve the elasticity of the skin and give a more youthful look.
As you age, the fullness of your face can reduce leaving hollow cheeks or thin lips. Dermal fillers can be used to recreate this facial volume by filling out the cheeks for a youthful fresh look and to enhance your lips to a fguller shape for a subtle and rejuvenated look.
For many people, dermal fillers can also help alleviate problem skin, such as removing acne scarring and pockmarks which are often the source of poor self-esteem. Different dermal fillers can be used to achieve different results, depending on the outcome you are looking for. They provide immediate youthful results helping you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.
Year after year, Botox injections are the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. And it’s no surprise. This wonder toxin can banish those wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes for up to six months. This includes putting the brakes on that pesky number 11 that appears in the glabella (the space between your eyebrows and above your nose). Wrinkles are created when nerve cells within the muscles beneath the skin release acetylcholine, which in turn triggers a muscle contraction that creates wrinkles. Botox basically disrupts the release of this chemical, paralyzing the muscle. Wrinkle-busting results are visible within one week and remain for a minimum of three months.
Botox Cosmetic and similar treatments are derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This is the very same bacterium that causes the deadly food poisoning known as botulism, but the cosmetic doses are much, much lower and the toxin is diluted. There are several brands and types of botulinum-toxin-based injectables on the market today, and there are even more in the pipeline. Botox Cosmetic, Botox and Dysport are derived from botulinum toxin type A, while Myobloc is derived from botulinum type B. Despite their similarities, these products should not be used interchangeably. Each requires special preparation and dosing.
Botox: Other Uses
Botox Cosmetic is approved for moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines). It is also approved for:
1. Eyelid spasm (blepharospasm)
2. Eye muscle spasm
3. Severe neck muscle spasms (cervical dystonia)
4. Excessive underarm sweating (severe primary axillary hyperhydrosis)
5. Migraine headache
In addition, Botox is used off-label on crow’s feet, forehead creases and bands on the neck. Botox is currently being studied as a possible treatment for knee and hip osteoarthritis, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Myobloc is approved for the treatment of adults with cervical dystonia.
Botox Injections: Do They Hurt?
The areas most commonly treated with Botox are the forehead, the glabella and the outer eye area. Botox is injected with a very fine needle into the muscle or muscles that are causing the wrinkle or furrow. Usually, you get several injections in each muscle. The whole process takes about 30 minutes.
There may be some pain or discomfort associated with these injections, but this is usually minimal. Some people have reported stinging and pressure at the injection site.
There is little downtime after Botox injections. Try to avoid moving the treated muscles for the first few hours. You will start to see results within one week (maybe sooner).
In subsequent months, as the effects start wearing off, you will notice a very gradual fading of the wrinkle-erasing effects.
Botox Risks
Botox is considered extremely safe, but it does have its share of risks. They include:
1. Bruising
2. Redness or numbness at injection site
3. Headache
4. Nausea
5. Flu-like symptoms
6. Pain
7. Muscle weakness that limits facial movement
Botox: Black Box Warning
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that Botox and similar products carry a black box warning about a rare but potentially life-threatening complication that may occur if the toxin spreads beyond the injection site. This is the strongest warning that can be issued by the FDA.
Importantly, none of these complications occurred among individuals using Botox for cosmetic reasons. Most of the hospitalizations and deaths were seen in children with cerebral palsy who were treated with botulinum toxin for muscle spasms. Some serious hospitalizations have been reported in adults treated with botulinum toxin for involuntary muscle movement and frequent neck spasms.
Protect yourself from Botox risks and complications by:
Choosing a qualified physician. Botox shots require a precise knowledge of facial anatomy. Your risk of complications increases when these injections are placed in unskilled hands.
RSVPing “no” to Botox parties. Botox and other injectables such as Sculptra should always be administered with sterile instruments in an appropriate setting (a doctor’s office or a medical spa) – not in your neighbor’s living room!
Be upfront with your physician. Tell him or her about any pre-existing medical conditions and all medications you currently take before treatment with Botox. Certain people may not be candidates for Botox injections, including pregnant women and individuals who take certain medications. The effects of Botox may become more pronounced if it is used while you are taking certain antibiotics or other drugs that interfere with neuromuscular chemicals.
Botox Cost
The price for Botox injections is between $175 and $500 for one area (about 20 to 25 units for the glabella), between $275 and $600 for two areas and between $375 and $800 for three areas. The usual product charge is between $10 and $15 per unit used. Prices vary a great deal depending on the region and the surgeon.
Insurance does not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures, including Botox injections. If the cost is prohibitive, ask your doctor about any available financing options or payment plans.
Treatment offered:
Nasolabial fold correction (Nose to mouth lines)
Forehead wrinkles correction
Crow feet correction
Brow lift
Lip augmentation (To increase fullness to narrow lips)
Lip lifting & Rejuvenation
Lines in the corners of the mouth
Chin Augmentation
Hollow or sunken chin
Jaw Augmentation
Wrinkle Injections – Introduction
This is a simple process whereby a muscle-relaxing solution is placed via a series of small injections into individual muscles in an area containing wrinkles. This prevents the muscles from making unnecessary and undesirable facial expressions and further creasing the skin. Wrinkle injections won’t radically change your appearance or make you look as though you’ve had a facelift and they will not ‘freeze’ facial expressions – they just soften the area, making you appear younger and more refreshed.
Great for:
. Frown lines (worry or anger lines)
. Crow’s feet
. Puckering lines around the lips
. ‘Bunny lines’ at the top of the nose
Wrinkle Injections – How they work
The lowdown
The solution is carefully injected into the muscles that are causing the skin to wrinkle – after several days it prevents the nerves from moving the muscle, therefore smoothing the overlying skin. The remaining facial muscles keep contracting as per usual so that normal and more desirable facial expressions are unaffected.
How long does the procedure take?
10-15 minutes per session, depending on the size and number of areas treated.
Wrinkle Injections – Treatments
What happens during the procedure?
This is a quick and simple procedure that is relatively pain-free. Even the most needle-phobic people are surprised at the ease of treatment. Ice is used to numb each spot prior to injection and then an extremely fine needle is used to make minute injections of the wrinkle prevention solution into the targeted muscles. You will experience only brief discomfort, therefore anaesthetic is not needed. How long will my recovery be and what can I expect?
Recovery is immediate. There may be some redness and faint needle-prick marks that usually disappear within a few minutes. Ladies can reapply make-up immediately. Rarely, there is slight bruising that will last for a few days, but make-up will easily mask this. Wrinkle Injections – Results & safety
You will not see the results of the procedure until 3-7 days after injection. This is because it takes time for the targeted nerve endings in the muscles to become ‘deactivated’. If you have had previous wrinkle injections, then you may see a quicker onset of muscle relaxation, often in 1-2 days.
The solution is very safe. It has been used by doctors for more than 30 years in millions of people around the world. It is one of the most studied and researched procedures and has no long-term side effects. The active ingredient is not absorbed or passed through the blood and is no longer present or active in the body an hour after injection.
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